After repeating several missions it is normal to predict how many police raids there will be and where they will be coming form. When they attack us they look like robots following lines drawn on the floor. And that is all because of the rather limited police and SWAT AI. Many missions are virtually impossible to achieve without being seen or controlling the situation, because the maps and AI push you to use brute force.It is when the shooting starts that PAYDAY 2 gets a bit weak as an action game. 99% of robberies end up in shooting fights with the police, and escaping is always complicated. The system works really well,there are new and interesting missions every few seconds, and, for the time being, there are enough players to join games with people that are already playing or are about to start.There are only 11 different types of missions, but the variables generated by make these a lot more in practice.No matter what you do, a robbery will almost never end up without a fight. All you have to do is sign in or join an already created robbery group. The system offers you missions with random difficulties and variables. This is just a room where you select and enter the missions you want to take on. The feeling of being in a robbery movie is at times very high, and some demanding previous planning is necessary if you want to be able to make that ultimate big robbery.All missions are controlled from the new in-game network,. Each has its own goals, and the results from each day can modify the goals of the following days or even cancel the mission. Not only are there robbery missions,the mafia will also get in the way and offer you interesting protection, extortion and murder missions.Some missions are divided by days. More and more noveltiesĮven though the basis for PAYDAY 2 is still the same (cooperative robberies for 4 players), the variety of missions is superior in comparison to the first game. This version improves many negative aspects and expands the experience with a stream of new ideas. This game carries the legacy of the first PAYDAY: The Heist, which was notoriously successful in its time.

The goal is to make quick robberies, planned robberies or mafia missions (the kind where you have to kill someone or protect someone), while trying to avoid being forcefully retained by the police. PAYDAY 2 is a first-person action game focused on cooperative mode games. Softonic-recensie Movie-like thefts in cooperative mode