Please don't forget to rate our checkers game board. If you're searching for one of the most gripping strategy games out there, you'll definitely want to download Checkers! Give it a try and have a lot of fun! If a player can't move at all, all his pieces are blocked. Kings can move diagonally forwards and backwards, making them more powerful in jumping over opponent pieces. If you have additional files to contribute or have the game in another language, please contact us Windows Version Download v0.

Also, we try to upload manuals and extra documentation when possible. If a piece reaches the end row of the board, on the opponent's side, it becomes a King. Download Checkers We may have multiple downloads for few games when different versions are available. The rules change from variation to another but the goal is the same is to capture the other player's checkers or make them impossible to move. 2 days ago &0183 &32 Unmistakable Liberal Tilt of ‘Fact-Checkers’. A normal move is moving a piece diagonally forward one square. Pieces can only move diagonally on the dark squares, the light squares of the checker board are never used. The objective of the game is to kill all the opponent's pieces by jumping over them Each player starts with 12 pieces, placed on the dark squares of the board closest to them. If after that jump your piece can do another jump. The game is played on an 8x8 chequered board, essentially a chess board. Note about multiple jumps: it is a basic rule in checkers that if you can jump (capture) then you must. Checkers is a classic popular board game, very simple but a lot of fun! Checkers is known as Draughts in England or Dama and there are multiple variations of it all around the world.